Confessions of an emarketer

The most nervewracking moment of any emarketing campaign is when you click "send". You know you've checked all the links, you've read and re-read the message to ensure there are no spelling mistakes, you've ensured the 'from' address, subject line and headers are all correct. So you dispatch your message, sit back, and wait to see the response...

Then, horror upon horror, you get a "I couldn't download the information" email from one of the recipients. You check your message and discover an error on one of the links.

It's almost a fait accompli that at SOME point, SOME time, SOME way, a mistake is going to happen. What sets you apart from other emarketeer's is what you do next. DO YOU:

A) ignore the issue and "hope" no-one else notices.
B) put your head in your hands, feel a bit sick and "hope" no-one else notices.
C) be proactive and face the problem head on.

For many people option C would involve sending (another) email out to everyone (which brings attention to the mistake) and append the correct link. For us it is simply a case of setting an automation so when anyone clicks on the broken link, they receive a personal email apologising for the error and directing them to the correct information.

Obviously in a perfect world mistakes wouldn't happen in the first instance, but if we lived in a perfect world there would be a never ending supply of taxis on a rainy day and guaranteed good weather during the Summer holidays.

We've produced an overview of Effective Email Marketing, we're going to start working on a "Email Marketing - What to do when it goes wrong" overview too as we think that will probably be one that people REALLY need.


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